We do not submit an annual tax return if in 2017 the company had no activity
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With the latest changes in the ZKPO, coming into force from 01.01.2018, companies that did not carry out activity, in the sense of the Accounting Law, for 2017 do not have to submit an annual tax return to the National Revenue Agency, as well as an activity report to the statistics.
However, you must submit a declaration of lack of activity to the Commercial Register by March 31.No fee is charged.
If you do miss this deadline, you can submit a zero report, as before.
If you are a micro-enterprise and no activity was carried out during the year, the reports are not required to be signed by a financial statement preparer – an accountant.In these cases, the financial statements are drawn up by the owners or partners of these enterprises.
Micro-enterprises are enterprises which, as of December 31 of the current reporting period, do not exceed at least two of the following indicators:
1. balance sheet value of assets – BGN 700,000;
2. net revenue from sales – BGN 1,400,000;
3. average number of personnel for the reporting period – 10 people.
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